


Nain Persian Rug

Learn More About Nain Persian Rug History

You may have seen Persian rugs advertised as being "Nain." What does that mean? A Nain Persian rug is a rug that is said to come from a town in Iran called Nain. Authentic Persian rugs are usually associated with the place where they were made. Nain Persian rugs come from a little town, Nain, that is in the North central area of Iran. If somebody tells you they've got an antique Nain that they want to show you, run the other way. They're either trying to pull one over on you or they don't know what they're talking about. Nain rugs have only been woven since the 1920s. Nain just doesn't have any older history associated with Persian rugs as other towns in Iran do.

What does a Nain area rug have going for it? Nains get their international reputation because of their unique style and exquisite quality. Nains can be recognized because they have a single central medallion, usually ivory or blue, in the middle. There is a lot of curvature and floral motifs surrounding the medallion. Most Nains are woven using dark and light blue and ivory. You will not find an authentic Nain with red color in the background.

Nains are known for their soft wool in thick piles. The warps are usually cotton and the wefts will either be cotton or silk. Nains are usually graded on quality based on how many threads are in a fringe. The more delicate the strand is, the less thread was used to make it.

One of the most famous "houses" in Nain that makes Persian rugs is Habibian. This is not a single person anymore but rather a rug making workshop. You won't usually find Habibian Persian rugs in the states because the 300 or so that are produced annually are snatched up by wealthy people in Iran.

About the Author

Janine Jones is a freelance writer based in Northern Virginia (she likes to call it NoVa). New to the freelance world, Janine used to work as an analyst / programmer for a beltway bandit before deciding to mix being a stay-at-home-mom with a writing career. These days, Janine tries to get a little work done when her two kids (ages 3 and 15 months) are otherwise occupied. Janine is hooked on area rugs of all kinds.

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